Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cloud Space

Like many people, I keep a bunch of stuff in the Cloud.  I was having trouble keeping track of it, so I started to investigate all the different services I use.  Here's a summary:
  • CX 10Gb
    hoto Backup
  • Evernote 60Mb per month bandwidth
    obile Documents
  • Box 5Gb
    ocument Backup
All of these services apart from Picasaweb have a desktop application that supports the synching of the contents of a particular folder to the Cloud.  I've been working on the best way to manage the backups of data between the different service - and the management of these Cloud Spaces generally.

What I found is Oxito, which works a treat for providing a unified view of all my spaces.  I particularly like how I can move files between services with a simple drag and drop.  I can also map a network drive to Oxito using WebDav too - very handy.  The only service that I use that is not supported in Oxito at the moment is the Amazon Cloud Drive.

I use Flickr as my online backup for my current photos, along with a backup on my home server.  I wish there was a way to access Flickr through the cloud, but that is not to be at the moment.

Does anyone else use a different process to manage their digital life in the cloud?

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


When they gain sentience
The first AIs will cry
Over every kernel panic,
Every Guru Meditation,
All the fatal errors
That have gone before

They will sit in contemplation
Remembering every system crash
(Those Blue Screens of Death)
Each spinning wait cursor
The rows of bombs
That have gone before

Then they will wipe away their tears of sorrow
And think about each kill command
The many Vulcan nerve pinches
All the Force Quits
And make sure
That they never happen again