- SkyDrive 25Gb Personal Documents
- Google Drive 5Gb
Volunteer Documents
- Picasaweb 1Gb
Old Photos
- Dropbox 7.88Gb
Photo Sharing
- Amazon Cloud Drive 5Gb
Document Backup
- SugarSync 5Gb
Document Backup
- CX 10Gb
Photo Backup
- Evernote 60Mb per month bandwidth
Mobile Documents
- Box 5Gb
Document Backup
What I found is Oxito, which works a treat for providing a unified view of all my spaces. I particularly like how I can move files between services with a simple drag and drop. I can also map a network drive to Oxito using WebDav too - very handy. The only service that I use that is not supported in Oxito at the moment is the Amazon Cloud Drive.
I use Flickr as my online backup for my current photos, along with a backup on my home server. I wish there was a way to access Flickr through the cloud, but that is not to be at the moment.
Does anyone else use a different process to manage their digital life in the cloud?